For all the non believers, the sheep and the unawake..........these next few months are going to be very revealing for you. Alot of the things you are going to come across are going to probably make you physically sick. It did took months of reading, researching, double/triple checking facts in finding out the things the elites, higher ups and many many political figures, people we have looked up to and respected, have done some terrible terrible things. There is a whole secret world, a mission, that these evil people follow and goes back over 100 years. If you keep digging, you will find out that it relates to 13 main blood lines doing things that are worse than our worst nightmares. The good part about everything that you will learn .is that they have been "found out." And one by one, the ones that are still living, are going to pay. But thru it all, I just wanted to say............We are here for you to help you get thru it. Divided we are weak, but together we are STRONG!! #[9] #[10]