5 years ago - Translate


God did not cause the bad things that happen in your life. You absolutely must get this truth straight in your own soul. Otherwise, if you believe God caused bad stuff and suffering in your life, then that belief has a massive adverse effect on your relationship with God. It is impossible to have a truly intimate relationship with someone who abuses you. We look with pity on a woman who refuses to leave a man who routinely abuses her and claims the abuse is for her own good. At the same time a great many Christians think that's exactly how we should view God. They claim God sends bad stuff into people's lives to teach them stuff for their own good. But that's not who God is. Yes, God works all things together for our good because we are His children. But God does not send the bad stuff. Instead, there is an enemy actively trying to steal from, kill, and destroy us. There are also over 7 billion people on this planet who often do stupid things. And that's not to mention our own foolish decisions that we make ourselves. There are plenty of avenues that aren't God for bad things to enter your life. God is the master at taking the lemons life sends our way and turning them into sweet lemonade. But God does not hand out those lemons. When you get a revelation of how good God really is, it will transform your relationship with Him for all eternity.⠀

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. — Romans 8:28 (NKJV)⠀

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