
February, 26 of 2024 - Look what Satanists who taken Elite are doing with the minds of many people since 2016:

Many are in illusion...
Like always be submitted themselves to BRAINWASH/TO BE REPROGRAMMED EVEN IN BEHAVIORAL LEVEL, Indoctrination, CONDITIONING LIKE A DOG (MENTAL ENSLAVEMENT) by psychological torture with moments of euphoria and deep sadness/depression because of many deceptions and all promises that aren't be meet by Trump/Bolsonaro and Infamous,Criminal and Terrorist of Fake Right Wing that operates in all Western World.

All of these few methods that I mentioned here were invented by Dr.Pavlov from Soviet Union and Maoists from Communist China that Fake Right Wing are doing with many people from West since 2016...

They are literary BRAINWASHING the minds of many people by Emotional Manipulation like is being show in the movies of "Voracious Games"...
I don't know if you noticed that the SYSTEM THAT TOTALITARIANS AND AUTHORITARIANS TAKEN AND WEAPONIZED DISTORT THE SYSTEM AGAINST CITIZENS that Trump and Bolsonaro that behaved like Traitors Nazi-Fascists.

Bolsonaro is more Nazi-Fascist and traitor than Trump so diabolic that are doing in the minds of many Brazilians since 2019...
To scum like Bolsonaro the people is a Bitch that they use and raped many times...until be totally enslaved and EXTERMINATED...

The morale,moral,ethics and intelligence were so lowered that many people can't understand the reality even if you shows all proofs in their faces like Yuri Bezmenov that was head of Communist KGB warned the West of how Communists and Nazi-Fascists gradually enslave the minds of weak, illiterate (even the functional illiterate) and ignorant to behave and talk the way Satanists and Traitors like Bolsonaro/Fake Right Wing wants not free...

Theater of Deceive, Coup of Two Evil Scissors and Bread without circus is that many people like
By the way Brazilian people is like Winston Churchill says that are "Pigs and Lazy" or Promiscuous and "authorities" is perverse...
What is country is that?
My God.

The blame is of Obama and Trump by this hell that are being submitted...
All result of Censorship and Flux Control of Information in Internet.
They let Internet are in the dirty evil hands of Satanic UN (ITU)...