5 years ago - Translate


God placed powerful blessing on your life as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. No curse of the enemy can overcome it. We see this is true even in the Old Testament. Balaam was hired to curse Israel, but couldn't do it even though he tried three times. Balaam saw that the only way the blessing of God on HIs people could be negated was to draw them away from God through unbelief via intermarriage with other nations. Unbelief is still the only way God's blessing is ineffective in your life today. No curse can overcome the blessing of God in your life. As you grow to believe that, you will experience more of that blessing God already placed on you personally. Then your life start to look like what you see on the pages of the New Testament. Will you believe God today and walk in His blessing?⠀

Behold, I have received a command to bless. He has blessed, and I can’t reverse it. — Numbers 23:20 (WE

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