
Flat Earth is a form of ancient Egyptian black magic known as "Atenism", first created by Pharaoh Akenaten (reinc-B.Obama), an early 4nti-Chr1s7 type world ruler. It is the belief that the sun, moon, and Earth are all non-dimensional disks. This is a form of social brainwashing/gaslighting that makes you unable to discern the world around you or understand the cosmos. The worship of Aten (the disc god) led to Egypt falling into a famine.
Spheres are stable geometric shapes, discs are not. Accretion discs (cosmic dust) that form proto-galaxies eventually give way to differentiated stars and planets..... all somewhat spherical in nature.
The Biblical "Firmament waters" fell during the Deluge or flood of Noah. If it were not so, then where did the 40 days of precipitation come from? It was remnants of the water planet Tiamot which was destroyed by the Annu. Those waters orbited Earth until the Elohim slowed its velocity and it deorbited, causing the Flood, an attempt to eradicate the Nephilim, which failed. So, today there is no such thing as a 'firmament' anymore... it's gone, it's the reason for our salted oceans. In its absence, we now see stars, nebulae, and galaxies in the black sky instead of constant shades of light spectrum. It's why this current solar activity is affecting us and even the chemtrails won't stop this.
Consider this: "The Truman Show" was NOT disclosure, it was PROGRAMMING. Now YOU are recreating the false religion of Atenism which will likely be the One World Religion by the same Ant:-Chr!st who designed it in ancient Egypt and made all worship.
Worship ONLY the God within you, which was from beyond earth from the beginning. You are your respective stars.
