
June, 14 of 2024 - Satanist Elite and Deep State since 2020 live creating polemics , controversies and surreal scandals , deploying taxes without end stolen money from people and submitted Brazilian people into a total submission, slavery, censorship, auto- censorship, surveillance, Brainwashing/Pavlov's Conditioning/Domestication/Social Engineering by Fear, Psyops, Psychological Torture and DDD that is Maoist Method against minds of Brazilian People.

These Satanists that are nothing more than Terrorists that live making threatenings without end against society only to have their rotten names in all MSM and even in Internet.

This is a Terrorism and Oppression without end!

It's like surviving inside like a prisoner in a hellish Nazi-Fascist Concentration Camp, Ghetto and Soviet Gulag without bars full of oppression and fear to be MURDERED...