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The Dangerous speech of "Climate Change" - Scientist and Climatologist Ricardo Felicio

O Perigoso Discurso das โ€œMudanรงas Climรกticasโ€ โ€” O Farol do Brasil
https://youtu.be/dLea1ux8jUs 48:36

June, 06 of 2024 - Traitor Bolsonaro done exactly what Nazi-Fascists done to exterminate more than 6 million of Innocents in Concentration Camps when Bolsonaro signs Bill 13.979 that was the deployment of social control, experimentation in humans and all that is evil that all Tyrannies, Dictatorships that are Despotic,Authoritarian,Censors,Feudalist Communist-Nazi-Fascist, Totalitarian, Enslaver, Infanticidal and Genocidal do that are Crimes Against Humanity, Satanist Antichristian Cruelty against population
If Bolsonaro that acts like a Nazi-Fascist of Tojo or Hitler he is killed long time ago if Bolsonaro was judged by Nuremberg Tribunal or Tokio Tribunal.

Bolsonaro acts like Nazi-Fascista that obeys all illegal and unconstitutional orders from UN/WHO BY PLANDEMIC AND HOAX-COVID!

If Nuremberg Tribunal or Tokio was active again they will condemned Nazi-Fascist Bolsonaro to be hanged and killed in front of all world!

Who are you Hypocrites and Liars like from Evil Satanic Left to says anything about Nuremberg Tribunal or Tokio Tribunal that was installed in the end of WWII?
Brazil don't participated of these sad events of mankind like these TWO WORLD WARS.

Eduardo Bolsonaro:

The phrase more listened from Nazi-Fascist of High position in Nazi-Fascist Army and in Third Reich in Nuremberg Tribunal was: "I only obeyed the legal orders from Hitler."

By Twitter https://twitter.com/BolsonaroS....P/status/17995681389
June, 08 of 2024

June, 06 of 2024 - What kind of Right Wing / Conservative exist in Europe since 2016?

A damn Satanist fake Right Wing / Controlled Opposition by Satanic Elite and Terrorist Left?

What kind of Right Wing that wins in 2024 European Elections in a European Parliament that each politician like Mr. Nigel Farage expose to us in 2015 can't even propose a Bill and all Bills that are proposed comes from Deep State that becomes giant Leviathan of Bruxelas?

Bia Kicis:

Europe tired of left. The leftist agenda destroyed West and even young people are understand and choose a better future to themselves. https://t.co/73wCsjhW6q

By Twitter:
June, 10 of 2024

June, 14 of 2024 - The Right Wing (Conservative) have the obligation to have CLEAN hands and a CLEAN HEART because they affirms that they are Christians and Lord Jesus Christย  says to all Christians to obtain Eternal Life and Real Soul's Salvation: "BE SAINT AND CLEAN OF HANDS AND SINCERE HEART LIKE I AM."