
Strongly considering creating a group on here that is dedicated to more of the esoteric, spiritual, deeper down the rabbit hole type of information as opposed to just what is happening in the physical world. For example, many of you may know about The Wall, but what if there is a lot more to it than just protecting us from invaders from the other side of the Mexico/US border? What if there are also spiritual/Extra-terrestrial connotations to this wall? Do you guys remember when CERN was a huge thing and they were trying to open portals to another place?

I often have to speak in riddles or allude to things rather than being direct about it because most people don't live a lifestyle where they can understand certain aspects of those potentials. It goes too far. Qanon has answered my prayers in many ways because I can read into what he's saying and see that there is a much deeper level to all of what is being discussed. Being privy to such information, I know there are also many of you out there working behind the scenes, and it would be great if we could link up somehow.