
PG here 1.) I have to say no to anything paper, plastic, or digital, even to the gold and silver certificates. They are not and can not replace real gold and silver in your hands. The Constitution gives no rights because the Bible, God himself, gives no rights to IOU's. It is a temptation of the devil. "Did God or did the Constitution really mean gold and silver coins in hand? Men will always print more than they have. PG here, Patriot Gallery Resistance Chicks Mom, ChristineVales Each time she does one, I add it to a blog as a reference, and then I read it out loud on video. It was great to see Christine Vales live. ***10/27/2024 Christine Vales: Uncovering the Lord's Prophetic Calendar in Real-Time*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq01zTFo8K8
She tells us the number 5 is Grace. We need to shout "Grace, Grace, Grace." James chapter 5 is Grace. Do not counterfeit money; do not replace the metal with something worthless, and just cover it with gold and silver metal.
