Funny how #[211] loved him when he was exposing #[63] about #[6906]. When he exposed #[63] about the #[7570] and #[688] he's a #[7838] and puppet of #[130].
He's the #[7839] that #[62] refers to. #[7840], he's safe, and he's #[7841] #[214] #[476] #[4192] #[1108] #[10] #[9]
Funny how #[211] loved him when he was exposing #[63] about #[6906]. When he exposed #[63] about the #[7570] and #[688] he's a #[7838] and puppet of #[130].
He's the #[7839] that #[62] refers to. #[7840], he's safe, and he's #[7841] #[214] #[476] #[4192] #[1108] #[10] #[9]