2 months ago - Translate


It's finally here! An eagerly anticipated day that has taken four long years to arrive. I barely slept. Today we stand on the precipice of profound change. In March of 2020, I began venturing down rabbit holes that profoundly impacted and shifted the course of my life. It didn't take long to figure out that the vast majority of people had no desire to shatter their own illusion of reality. Some scoffed, laughed or shunned me. At the time it really hurt, and I began to self-isolate. But slowly I began to realize, it was never just about me, or you, or them. It was about Us. The most important among Us, being the children.
We are blessed enough to be living through a Great Awakening of truth and light and justice. A time sure to necessitate the re-writing of history books. A Golden Age that's bound to finally break the bonds of slavery. The scourge of slavery still exists, in so many shapes and forms. It is not specific to race, nor gender, or nationality. Breaking its chains will not be for the weak of heart. But together, not just you and I, but our brothers and sisters across the globe, can unify, resolve and find the most common of ground to usher out an evil that has plagued our world for centuries. There will be beautiful byproducts of the purge, that will cause the strongest among us to weep with joy. But first we have to earn our freedom individually. The freedom that's never free. We can, we must, we will!
Whatever theatrics this day ends up holding, don't let negativity worm its way in. Nothing can stop what is coming. Hold tight to whatever brings you peace. We must remember that light does overcome darkness, the sun always reemerges once the storm has passed, and eventually good overcomes evil.
This day is the first chapter of a beautiful new book that humanity has yet to write. It will exemplify that Where We Go One, We Go All. Don't worry world, America's got this โค๏ธ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™