
Excerpt from the chapter: The Attack by Gog of Magog from the book: Q – Biblical Times. (Available on Amazon or www.epubli.com/shop)

Noahidism is deeply intertwined with Chabad Lubavitch and the Third Temple movement, which believes that the return of the Temple Mount to Jewish hands, Jewish rule over the earth, and the dawn of the messianic age can only be realized with the support of Jews. Noahides are non-Jews who adhere to Jewish law (and promote Judaism); obey or be destroyed is their credo.

The term "New World Order" (NWO) was coined after the collapse of communism in the early 1990s in the USA, where it initially stood for a global system of collective security. Today, it usually refers to a "conspir- acy theory" in which a global, mostly Jewish elite pursues a secret plan to abolish autonomous peoples and nation-state borders and install an authoritarian world government. (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution)

Summary of the Sons of Thunder: So - Gog is not Satan and also not an alliance of states as many had assumed, but it is an alliance of the lodges of Satan (Illuminati). His earthly representatives, so to speak. They are planning an attack on the restored "Israel" together with ist predominantly Muslim peoples. (Ezek.38:5,6,8) Financed by Western states and militarily supported by the communists.

According to the New Testament, however, "Israel" is not the carnal Israel but Jesus followers. The "spiritual Israel" is described in Galatians 6:16; Romans 2:28,29; 9:6-8; Colossians 2:16,17; Matt.21:43; 1 Peter 2: 9 etc. Somewhat triggy - the matter. Not everything has been revealed yet. But it will certainly come. Seen in this light, Gog's attack can actually be described as an assault on God's sphere of activity. So - not only carnal Israel will be affected. That hardly has anything to do with Jehovah. But it will begin in Israel and then end in the war against God's people of the end times - the spiritual Israel (I will go into this in more detail in Volume 2).

Ezek.38:15 mentions that Gog would come from the far north. What does that mean? An ancient reader from ancient Israel would have associated the north with a supernatural enemy, since in ancient times the north of Israel was populated by demonic peoples. Bashan, Mount Hermon where the fallen angels supposedly came to earth. The north was also the home of the Nephilim. So a pretty scary area. Even today one can say that Satan's lobbyists and the demons are a single entity and a rather sinister gang.

We think that the big bang must come in 2025. Because if Trump wins the election in November, then Satan's minions will all be condemned, so they will have to go on the attack for better or worse, although according to their plan the time is not yet ripe. But how is it written? "I will turn you around and drive hooks into your jaws and lead you out with your whole army, with horses and horsemen, all splendidly dressed, a huge host with great shield and small shield, all with swords in their hands." (Ezekiel 38:4)

Jehovah, through his anointed one Donald Trump, causes Gog (Satans earthly lobby - the Illuminati) to have to line up prematurely for the final battle. This will be the day of reckoning. The prophet Daniel also reported on this final battle in the last days. Let's take a look at that next.