6 years ago - Translate


The herd mentality will always default to following the herd and stupidly rely on the so called "science" being right with medical doctors and big pharma in conjuction with government devising plans to make sure the citizens follow like sheep.
Say nothing of the fact that we live in modern day 2019. Say nothing of the fact that we're witnessing the biggest cultural appropriation societal hijacking in US history illegally, considering how no one actually knows the amount of infected illegal aliens flowing across our borders, yet they point to people with religious exemptions as being "carriers" of infection while being completely healthy.
Say nothing of the fact that public school enrollement is a given to this illegal alien population and no vaccine schedule is required before they attend public schools because that would be discriminatory, so the administration is told to give them a chance to settle into their new lives, allow them time to negotiate their new lives here in the US and to aquire proper paperwork through social services and ESL representation to help them adapt to be compliant. Oh we're so tolerant of illegal aliens and so INTOLERANT of actual citizens.
Consider too how the federal government has given big fat pharma full immunity from litigation should a person fall ill or die from vaccine.
Also consider how the cdc own about 42 patents for vaccine and how they made 137.8 million in royalty INCOME from vaccine in 2016.
Interesting that to get all of this done they need subjects, you and your children to accomplish their end game--money--power--money--power--money--power---with you dead or alive---their money--power continues unabated as government mandates their SUBJECTS take these vaccines or be excluded from public spaces unless they do.

CHOICE is only for abortion--the abortion industry wants mothers to choose to kill their babies so that the cosmetic industry, surgical/medical industry, scientific community, and big fat pharma will always have an endless supply of baby parts to use for their own gain--but heaven forbid you say no to their vaccine products--and if everyone did this--they'd have no purpose, no endless supply of wealth generated by your willingness to follow their marching orders.
HERD---stop being herded---stop being sheep--stop making them wealthy while killing and injuring our citizenry!



It's the worst year for measles since the disease was declared eliminated in the US in 2000.