
TRUE STORY I'm so tired of being targeted because I'm a Short White Happily Married Christian ?%Female 57yo Mom to 7yo boy & we own 1 home 2 cars a cute 8yo Yorkie & I love my family & my @POTUS Trump & we drink coffee.

See, how demons despise GOD's creation? They hate us!!!
See, how DEMS try to hide their despite of us because we are not one of them? (An yet we've caught them on Video Evidence @youtube: see the differences of how they talk to the minorities and the majorities, and yet they are KKK Members, no matter what they renamed that damned club). They have adopted (and some of them fully) the ways of darkness. There are satanists in office, worldwide, and their network is why they believe that they are untouchable. These people are contacting and allowing demons to take them over because of their greed. I'm not sure if any of them (the ones who slew absurdities) have GOD's Light of Truth remaining in them. But, GOD has commanded us to pray for them, For, if there be any glimmer of hope and there be any change of heart, then GOD can certainly change their circumstances and their destiny, as He has done for us. Praise GOD!! I bless you, my brothers and sisters. I bless your life, the work of your hands, your family, friends, animals, houses and cars. To those that are not quite there yet, be baptized in the name of Jesus so GOD can show you many things that you do not know. When you are submerged, the LORD raises you up out of the water as a new being, and you are teachable by Him. Be blessed on purpose, and please GOD with what He tells & told us to do.