5 years ago - Translate


The threat of China is the sending of the factories to China, loss of jobs in the USA (meanwhile they have slave labor in China). With suicide nets. They treat their people like shit. Do we want that? Plus the importation of the opiods, which is covert war upon the American people, financed by the Elite. Fuck people up on drugs, and they can't reason or think. And they certainly can't see the danger. Not to mention it kills many of the 'useless eaters'. Keep in mind, they really do think we are cattle and not human. And that they own us.

Meanwhile the MSM pushes that we must not be 'xenophobic' and 'racist', and that illegal aliens are 'dreamers' while patriots who love their country and want to preserve what is best and brightest in this country are 'racist'. These labels have to be removed; people must stop bowing to this BS. And wake the fuck up!

We must stop the forced technology transfers, allowing the intellectual property and industrial espionage to stop and stop financing it.

China has agreed to rule of law but for the last 20 years they haven't played by the rules we all do.

They are a backwards feudalistic nation.

They walked out of the agreement with Trump because they realized they were negotiating an armistice, and they aren't ready to do that yet.

IP theft is a big problem with China. They export deflation and overcapacity. We need to make them play by the rules they already have agreed to. And this is what Trump is negotiating. And the MSM says he has failed and China walked out. Well, of course they did. They have fucked us up the ass for decades while Clinton and Feinstein sold us out to them. And HOW did these Congress people become multimillionaires? Like Pelosi? On a paycheque that should have been what? A couple of hundred thousand a year? Because they were selling America out!

Chinas business model is an existential threat to all the industrial democracies (Britain, France, Japan, Korea, Germany etc) and to the Constitutional Republic of the United States.

America IS a Constitutional Republic; NOT a Democracy as they keep pushing.

What Trump is doing in the China trade deals is monumental and the MSM refuses to cover it, because they are traitors. And tools of the global elite. The global Cabal Elite need to be exposed. And people have to wake UP!