6 years ago - Translate


Wisdom of the crowd

How many jellybeans are in the cup?

If you take 70 guesses from people; to see who is closest. The data set of guesses... the 70 numbers you collected from others... if you take the average of all their guesses... if you add them all up then divide by 70... the number you get will be within 0.2% of the answer.

It's insane how the universe works like that. Understand this; the bad 'too high' guesses, even astronmical ones - are cancelled out by the astronomically low bad guesses. The end result is an average that is both seeded by the informed and fortified by the dumb.

I use this theory ... of listening to what 'our people' the #[9] crowd so to peak... and the ones that average out - end up being the right number. So I share things; MAX early - like the day we heard of Stormy Daniels I posted her cellphone texts to her babysitter saying its all fakenews etc; since internet Qteam has scrubbed - because great actors make a great show... At anyrate... the stuff I am sharing on this feed is 'crowd wisdom' stuff - mind you mockingbird tries to influence this with botnets - so I do filter out the clown sauce. bots don't post like humans. Easy to spot.
