Basically at some point in my secular box of glint chasing, I thought 'what if the universe is alive', and after some tongue in cheek suppositions; like 'well it prolly would sustain those who have the most 'honest fun'' so to speak, as I concluded it was living vicariously through us at that point... i mean karma kinda implies universe don't like too much bad and will balance it out pretty promptly or even good for that matter; balance is king... have a great enough party... and someone will crap in the tub. So I lived, in a state of questing for 'great experiences' not like climbing a mountain; but... unique takes on everything... if 'you are everybody' then anything someone done would be like watching reruns. good ideas are not great ideas. after 25 years of playing this game... all I can say is 'go yonder my fren'... and my entire being is a uncommon dataset from it; like I am 'a commercial for a thought you haven't had' statistically from it. I experimented and learned through trial and error in the life. you can only get lost by wondering in unfamiliar places. #[1569]