Hi all, I live in the UK; England, to be more precise, as far away from the toxicity of London as I can get. It is a good life, I have the love of a good man, many friends and a comfortable if humble home.
In short, I am privileged.
But it is impossible to live a happy life when all around me are being tossed on to the human scrap heap to live lives of drudge and despair while those 'few' gorge themselves at the fiat-money-troughs in an attempt to escape the guilt of dreadful injustices they have enacted.
Which is why the Q phenomenon has inspired me so much, WWG1WGA is the most powerful 'battle-cry' I have ever heard.
If I have fallen for a LARP then so be it, it is being a wonderful LARP which has awoken so many people to the seeds of evil growing in our midst, with few down-sides that I can see.
Is it all a psy-op?
Well of course it is: just because psy-ops are generally used against the people does not mean that it can't be a tool used in the fight for the people. Individual discernment, the gut instinct, will always show one the right direction; though that internal process has/is been/being systematically damaged by an education system that attempts to brainwash us away from our natural instincts.
I happen to believe that President Trump is a force for good and a very brave man; I think I believe that jr will soon become part of the story - what an incredible wave of joy and true hope that would bring as I see the folks around me mired in misery. They have had their hopes dashed too many times, seen too many criminals escape with their ill-gotten gains intact, seen our countries despoiled by psycopaths with greed in their eyes..PLEASE let all this be true!
I am not a vengeful person, but crimes that go unpunished have a tendency to greater and more damaging criminality, we must have punishments that make the risk too great.
And some crimes, particularly those crimes against children, are indefensible. These people have thrown away their humanity. I do not believe in the death penalty, but this sort of criminal needs to be isolated from society completely.
Please spare a thought for we patriots outside the USA bereft of a Donald, the UK in particular has so much corruption and mendacity at its heart that it is hard to believe that it could be unwound..what an enormous task we have ahead of us, but what hope to carry us.