
German Policemen and soldiers are not far-right, but only extremely disappointed
The displeasure boils in the troop and the police.

The catastrophic state of the Bundeswehr reflects the miserable state of our entire republic. It is not the soldiers who are to blame and it is not the police. The clear apportionment of blame goes solely to politics and justice. If we can no longer even rely on the police, the private security forces and our soldiers, we are lost, also because any defensiveness, any resistance to the attacks is undone from within our own ranks. If, for example, the policy does not create the conditions for permanent intensive offenders to be deported and the judiciary refuses to do the same, the police will not solve this problem, but frustration is growing among these officers. As a result of a left-green zeitgeist, the established parties created the fundamental threat of one of the most important civilisational achievements of modern societies: the state monopoly on violence.
Serious prosecutions are hardly taking place in Germany any more. For example, the number of asylum seekers actually deported is less than one hundred, while the number of non-asylum seekers to be deported is around 40,000.  The state's monopoly on violence has become an air number through such a lax policy. In the Bundeswehr, it is no longer possible to speak of militaryness for a long time. As a result of a left-green zeitgeist, the established parties created the fundamental threat of one of the most important civilisational achievements of modern societies: the state monopoly on violence.
A completely deranged defence minister can no longer defend anything – except perhaps her feminism fantasies (e.g. pregnant tanks) – because there is a lack of overview, insight and even foresight everywhere. Leyen's weak-mat leadership is unbearable. It is completely incomprehensible that she is still in office, but it leads to the conclusion that her boss, the German Chancellor, at best praises the Bundeswehr as a Quantité négligeable.
"Social pedagogy" instead of hardship
The evil, which both V.D.L. and Merkel seem to cultivate with devotion, lies in the disastrous image that they obviously have of our security forces. You should scream it unmistakably in their faces – every day: the security forces of this country – the Bundeswehr and the police – are not a kindergarten and children's playground for left-green games and a testing field for "socially acceptable" kittens, but a Field of application, which requires special hardship in an emergency: namely, to have to kill in an emergency. But our old parties do not want to see the anti-civilizational threat to our society posed by the utopias of left-green spinners. In addition to the utopia of a limitless world, whose socially destructive danger is hardly understood in Germany as a result of the refugee crisis, the greatest threat comes from the left-green utopia of a "social pedagogy" of the fight against crime and the defensive readiness inside and out. According to this utopia, we need fewer police, fewer prisons. Soldiers and barracks, but more social educators, social workers and street workers to effectively combat crime and its causes, i.e. "the Bundeswehr as an organized cuddle and feel-good club according to service regulations". With her feel-good agenda, the minister missed the image of soft eggs and hot showers. With "cosmetic" tricks, gender-appropriate opening and adaptation of seats for pregnant women, our troupe is made more of a tired slap in the face of the maternal health work than a "powerful" Soldateska. But it doesn't help: the Bundeswehr is a force in which you have to learn to shoot and kill if you don't want to be shot yourself. To put it plainly, violence is one of them! (And then it's out with "Healing World Nostalgia".
