Blackmail from the highest point, an emergency is created with the intention of all criminals
Schäuble: "The need will force people to bow
Wolfgang Schäuble (born September 18, 1942 in Freiburg im Breisgau) is a German politician of the CDU, since 1972 Member of the Bundestag and currently Federal Minister of Finance in the Cabinet Merkel III. He was from 1984 to 1989 Federal Minister for special tasks and chief of the Federal Chancellery as well as from 1989 to 1991 and from 2005 to 2009 Federal Minister of the Interior. From 1991 to 2000 Schäuble was chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and from 1998 to 2000 national chairman of the CDU. In 1990 he was the victim of an attack and has since relied on a wheelchair. With over 42 years of parliamentary membership Wolfgang Schäuble is the longest-serving member in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Tuesday, 11.01.2000 14:21 Uhr Print Usage rightsFeedback
Berlin - The CDU chairman Wolfgang Schäuble has informed the Board of the Christian Democrats at the closed meeting last weekend on the donation Schreibers. This is reported by the German Press Agency. Schäuble is said to have explained at the exam but only in general that he had received a donation from Schreiber, but the exact amount of 100,000 Mark he did not name."ttps://