Telegram: GAWP
Further to the success of a private Telegram group created solely for bio-pharmaceutical (BigPharma/ CancerINC), scientific and/ or legal industry-specific individuals based globally, I have been asked by certain others where I have participated in Telegram groups/ chat forums to create a group open to the general public.
One must know REAL ancient history to understand the events of today’s deliberate “Order Out of Chaos”… as opposed to the [DS] GLOBALIST KHAZARIAN "CAIAN" / CHALDEAN SHAMANIC GYPSY MAFIA (KM) manipulation, deceit and lies for millennia parroted by the KM synarchial gatekeepers of knowledge:
KM Royal Society London, BananaUK: pseudo-'Akkad-emia' HQ;
KM IAI (Istituto degli affari internazionali = CFR Italy) – pseudo-theophilosophy HQ;
KM global FUDOSI [Gnostic] Luciferian/ Satanic Freemasonry.
#TheGreatAwakening via in-depth modern and ancient history referring to proof aka "sauce" gleaned from occult old books is now only an app away.
[DS] EUSSR EU/ UE/ "Sar-Onoguria" European Union (CET or London GMT+1)
Here is why Deep State Scythian KM (Khazarian Mafia) Turanian Barbarian BULGAR HUN assets are so desperate these days... and why it is now just a matter of time before THEIR House of Cards falls, as DARKNESS CANNOT OPERATE IN THE LIGHT
1969 (1988/ 1991) New Order Of [Turanian GokTurk Mongol] Barbarians [remaster] tapes 1 to 3
by Dr. Lawrence Dunegan
A simple remaster of New Order of Barbarians tapes 1 to 3. Removes most of the background hiss/hum distortion from the original compilation. The 'remaster sample' shows a quick comparison of original vs remaster copy respectively.
Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988, tape three in 1991. New Order of Barbarians is the recollections of Dr Lawrence Dunegan of a lecture attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society given by Dr Richard Day claiming inside knowledge of trends of the new world order program to take control of humanity.
note: its listed as "New Order of Barbarians - tapes I-III+IV" taken from the original properties description, but the file names "New Order Of Barbarians [remaster] tapes 1 to 3"
uploaded Aug 27 2013.
for more info see New Order of Barbarians - transcript of tapes I-III
The New Order of Barbarians - alternate transcript
The New Order of Barbarians - youtube
Insider Leaks Entire New World Order Agenda
"Meinvielle presented kabbalah as the hidden root of all forms of progressivist ideology assailing classical Christian civilization. The corrosivity of kabbalah lay in what the priest represented as its fundamentally immanentist framework. Meinvielle adopted his critique of kabbalistic immanentism from the anti-gnostic discourse of political scientist Eric Voegelin."
2019 From Nacionalista Anti-Kabbalistic Polemic to Aryan Kabbalah in the Southern Cone [aka South America]
by Jeremy Phillip Brown / McGill University
"A Noble Lie" - The Gnostic Myth of Darwnism to Immanentize the Eschaton...
The German words "völkische Bewegung" explain exactly what the Scythian KM (Khazarian Mafia) Bulgar Hun vs wider-humanity PSY-WAR aka "The [Kabbalistic] Great Liberation" is all about today, as explained in this extremely-well researched and written "The Journal of Religion" article that ties a great majority of the ongoing deep state manipulation, deceit and lies together.
re Argentine Catholic priest Julio Meinvielle, Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano Fernández, Chilean Pinochet dictator, Jorge Bergoglio (Lamaic/ Kabbalistic Roman Catholic Pope Francis puppet agentur), Julius Evola and many others who are mentioned therein.
2019 From Nacionalista Anti-Kabbalistic Polemic to Aryan Kabbalah in the Southern Cone [aka South America]
by Jeremy Phillip Brown / McGill University
Reading the above, provides great insight into the 1928 declaration entitled: "Fascism Against Christianity : The Great Liberation" by KM Fascist Jesuit Julius Evola
More of the same Scythian KM Bulgar Hun Corporate MSM BBC BananaUK desperate predictive programming for ‘Ophiolatreia’ [vampirism ‘sanguinarium’, tantra, sex magick] and cannibalism. THEY ARE SO VILE AND FULL OF SHIT.
re Phalo-Solarist/ Homo-Occultist/ Pedo-Satanist/ Pedovore] sect of brainwashed, mind-controlled, bribed Tribe of Benjamin [Assyrian Hittites/ Ashkenazi gypsies] and Tribe of Dan [Phoenicians/ Celtic Iberian/ Basque etc gypsy hordes] – better known as the KM (Khazarian Mafia) Siberian “Sar-Ongur” Bulgar Hun deep state assets
Decoded as: "Q acquitted"