
This is a place to raise awareness and educate. Be kind, be supportive, be brave.



Well meaning (but uneducated) people are so quick to demand a victim leave a domestic violence situation. The truth is that it's the most dangerous time for her. If not well planned, not just for the short, but also the long term, it could be fatal. Hell... it could be fatal no matter what. I'm still being stalked and will look over my shoulder the rest of my life (or his). https://lethbridgeherald.com/n....ews/national-news/20

Victims of domestic abuse face danger when trying to leave: experts

Victims of domestic abuse face danger when trying to leave: experts

TORONTO - The case of an Ontario woman who was murdered by her husband days after she filed for divorce underscores that victims of domestic violence face


If you know someone experiencing domestic violence, please be supportive. I've been 'out' of my abuser's presence for 3 years, but I am not free. He vowed to kill me. People are so quick to tell you to leave. They are well intentioned, but lack the psychological understanding of the abuser. Leaving is the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence. It should be carefully planned with many securities in place. Even then, many die. My abuser told me he could get away with disposing of me by waiting until things 'calmed' and everyone thought things were okay. He vowed to kill me (and hurt my kid). He still stalks me. Will look over my shoulder until he pushes daisies. https://www.divorcemag.com/blo....g/domestic-violence-

Domestic Violence + Divorce = Murder: Tragic Tale of Dr. Elana Fric Shamji

Domestic Violence + Divorce = Murder: Tragic Tale of Dr. Elana Fric Shamji

When domestic violence & divorce collide: a Toronto surgeon pleads guilty to killing his wife, Dr. Elana Fric Shamji, two days after she filed for divorce.
  • Yaklaşık
  • Domestic violence gets brushed under the rug in this country. Even worse, victims are blamed instead of listened to, and God forbid, helped. Let's bring awareness to this issue and help people understand the evil that could be your next-door neighbor.