There is so much to learn on Ivermectin and it's amazing and miraculous benefits on so many levels. And if you are one of those that bought into the gaslighting of "horse paste", then that's your loss.
And slowly but surely, the WAPO is a shadow of it's former self. Do you know why all these former giants of media are going out of business and hemorrhaging readership? They became activists for the far left instead of journalists. From COVID to Trump, they gaslighted everyone and everyone started waking up to their shenanigans. WE are the news now!
Bye bye Smith. Years of work to "get Trump" and over 50 million of our tax dollars and what did you get? BUPKIS. That's what you got.
A new dawn is coming. Light is shining on all the dark now. Exposure imminent. See the bigger picture.