Did this pedo's evil masters morph him into AOC? I think so.
The ONE and ONLY thing President Cocksucka got right.
Seems to me there's nothing but one speculative link after another on bitchute, mostly garbage. I don't like the joint chiefs of staff memo, and it doesn't look like they've defended to republic to me. Meanwhile, the msm is saturated with covid hoax bs, and genpop is criminally stupid and programmed. If this is critical mass, we're flatlining. Trump's 1st remark on covid was "It's a hoax!", but it seems that Gates $$$ was too seductive. Everyone is too stupid to know they're committing suicide with masks and vax. Trump also PUSHED PUSHED PUSHED for 5G, never mind it's a military grade weapon that KILLS at the cellular level; AND it's barred from Mar a Lago and Israel. He did NOTHING to mitigate the ongoing extinction event that is Fukushima/Tepco radiation poisoning, coming up on 10 years, and completely ignored the fouling of the planet by geoengineering. I voted for him the first time and took a lot of shit for it, but as he let everything else go to hell, why would anyone believe he was anything but a shill used to target us for the Marxists? All this, courtesy of Obama.