WTF? DID I JUST HEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP'S Attorney state that the People chose Biden?
You all are aware that Donald Trump stepped down before the election and gave all power to the military, this was an act that was signed in the McCarthy era in case the chance of someone ever getting into office who was a foreign asset, or agent. This was done so the military could protect the American people in their country. The white hats or the black hats, whoever Is controlling Biden is putting on a show for those who elected biden so they could see exactly what living under a Biden presidency would be like none of his executive orders or any actions he take will have an impact as they will be null and void just like his presidency. So I hope you all enjoy this movie you’re watching, nothing about Biden presidency makes any sense. so many inconsistencies that is inauguration, from Biden having to fly on his own private jet, from Biden getting sworn in 15 minutes earlier when Trump was still technically president, from biden lifting his hand off of the Bible if you wanna call it that before his oath was finished, from Kamala Harris getting sworn in first which would technically make her the president, from Biden‘s fake oval office where he is working out of which is actually Castle rock studios the same place where they film scenes for the oval office in Independence Day, from the fact that he still does not have the nuclear codes, and most importantly his desk is missing something that all other presidents have had during their presidency and that’s the wooden call box.