Message 1/6/2020 (posted 2 days late): As I drove to the ocean I tuned into the energy. The first image I saw was silver shards of metal and diamond frequencies. We are being bombarded with extremely high frequency energy that is breaking apart any illusions remaining in our consciousness.
2. This energy is high-pitched and highly sonicated, the type of energy best able to release the most ingrained programming of the darkness. The second image I see is a large orange circle. In all the time I have done these messages I have never heard or seen the color orange
3. focused on like this. Tuning in I realize this represents the color of the sacral chakra.These energies are releasing blockages to this major energy center inside of the body. This is the chakra below the solar plexus, the seat where we hold our power. The energetics of humanity
4. was such that the solar plexus was blocked from the flow of energy from the sacral plexus because of the programming of the darkness. Today the energies are blasting any restrictions on the sacral that prevent the complete circuitry of energy flowing to the solar plexus within
5. the human vessel; a very big day for empowerment. The last impression I get is hearing the word wedding. Today is the day of the release of the old restrictions that prevented us from aligning fully to our divinity. Today marks the day of the epiphany when our spirit
6. becomes one inside of our human vessel, a wedding of spirit and light. Sitting by the ocean I look at the water and notice the rapid speed of the current. This shows me the new energies are in motion and they are pushing out the old energy, the way of being from the
7. old world. We are truly anchored into our new consciousness of divinity, our empowerment from the Creator. Tuning into the energy I hear, “Ah yes, we are here with you, we are here with you. This is a pivotal day for humanity as it is a day of empowerment, a day of rejecting
8. the purposeful enslavement of humanity. Today was very important symbolically and energetically as a signal to release the old world and step into the new world. Today is a day of divine providence. We are with you watching with great anticipation the events as they unfold.
9. You will see one event will trigger another event, will trigger another event, etc. with the eventual realization of the freedom and liberation of humanity. You are so ready to claim your planet in the name of the Creator of all, in the name of your Divinity with the guidance
10. of the great master Jesus Christ. We are watching the show and our hearts are full, beaming with love and pride for our human family. It has been a long time to get to this point. All of the trials and tribulations have well been worth the great results you are on the cusp of
11. realizing. For you see once you recognize the indwelling power, truth & majesty of the spirit of the Creator there is no turning back because you want to live a life based on your divinity. This is your awakening. It is simple in concept; it is just a return to self, a return
12. to your true identity, a return to your divinity. Let’s say a return to the light and love that you are, for you see this light and love is your true nature. All goodness comes from this place for you to create a life of joy and a planet filled with joy. The good news and this
13. is such good news, you will soon see the fruits of your labor. You will see creating a life that is good is simple; it is what you have always desired. You just needed to remember how to do this. We, the galactics work to help you to remove the restrictions & the shackles of
14. the programming of the darkness. We are here to help you remove their illusion of separation from your true identity and from your connection with the Creator, each other and all of life. With the realization of your true identity, your connection to all, the 5D world will
15. materialize. This world is the world of your dreams. This world is the world of your higher consciousness of everything your heart has desired for eons. It has finally arrived. It is at your doorstep. It is just that the remnants of the 3D world must be viewed and discarded.
16. Once discarded the new golden Age of Enlightenment is at your feet ready for you to discover it. We would like to tell you a little bit about what we see in the future to help you get through the rough days we said you would experience.
17. With the knowledge and the preparation we have given you through these messages you will serve as the wayshowers for others during the difficult times. We believe you are in good shape to weather the storm in the days ahead. In order to help you get through these