This guys a plant. Think about it...Does anyone find it suspicious that after Kappy stated that if anything happened to him 50 cals would rain down in Hollywood. Then he's suicided but the day before there is a 1000 gun bust in the abandoned mansion of Cynthia Beck by an anonymous tip. I had nightmares all night last night and woke up several times crying. This morning I couldn't remember any of it but as soon as I opened my eyes I knew those little girls that are in Kappy's dead man switch video were not at the Mardan Hotel. They are at the Getty or one of their mansions. I can feel it in my spirit.This steven Kelly is doing this to discredit it in case the truth comes out and so truthers will appear crazy to normies. Anyone promoting him is a fake. We will see who the real truthers are. We need to beat him to the punch and make sure the world knows he has nothing to do with Q or truthers.
This is a big step for prison reform. Finally, a President who is addressing this problem.