Anyone notice how the symbol for the Incognito tab in Google on iphone resembles VIncent Fuska?
All these Earthquakes....Funny how CALI people are not even worried. Need to remember that there crisis actors and people get paid a lot of money to someone shakes crap by the cantramps they make. My kids do it all the time. Fishing line is had to see and can be strung throught the area where video is.
Cali had a small quake.....(felt like someone kicked the bed)
If an earthquake shook that hard..the building would of came down. Those states do not have building codes specific to earthquakes. SMH.
I'll show you proof
Incedible docu from Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands. Once I watched this, it (while horrifying) started to make sense. #q #qanon #thecabal #illuminati #nicolatesla #johntrump #jfkjr #julianassange #donaldjtrump #theroyals
THE CABAL, DEEPSTATE and Qanon by Janet Ossebaard: