President Trump is still president. As a matter of law, when there is voter fraud, the win goes to the opponent party. Biden clone is not president and has been arrested. He is a fake president of the corporation America, which does not exist any longer. Trump was secretly inaugurated in a ceremony on January 11 in the republic America. Every president has the right for a public as well as a non-public ceremony. On March 3 he will be officially inaugurated as the 19. president of the Republic.
The swamp has impeached President Trump. Only a sitting president can be impeached. The law refers to a sitting president and the punishment for impeachment is the removal of the president from office and disqualification from future office.
The Chief Executive of (SAHPRA) Dr “Evil” Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela is deliberately withholding a safe, cheap, critical #covid19 medicine from the SA people. A class action lawsuit is being prepared.
Holy Smokes! The technologies coming to us are so STUPENDOUSLlY AMAZING!! They will FEEL miraculous, they will feel Science Fiction-y, even though this Tech has been here for perhaps thousands of years.
The “advanced” technology [compared to where we are now] was denied Humanity by the demons for evil reasons but is being liberated by the Alliance for Divine reasons.
When you read in NESARA / GESARA that 6,000 patents of technology will be released, you get the feeling that means the tech won’t be available for a few years. That’s a misconception.