A “race debate” can never be won by anyone. If it could, then the argument wouldn’t be ongoing for thousands of years in human history.
This is why the deep state use this for power & control. They know it’s a never ending battle to control by any means necessary. Wakey wakey. Their biggest fear is everyone waking up & realizing there’s more of us than [them]. They are adamant to keep ppl fighting so they don’t come to realize this. Because once ppl know they can band together & end it all in one foul swoop, their hold on the world is gone.
Games randomly reported issues once riots news ensued. This game in particular had been quiet for days prior
The great awakening is inevitable. It’s happened apparently every 25,000 years. And, we are overdue.
Everyone has a boss.
Who does the deep state work for? And who does that person(s) work for?
The higher it goes, the uglier it gets, and the harder the truth will be to swallow.