Every social media platform is very slow reacting tonight. The exodus from Twatter was something I have never experienced. My feed went from 20 plus posts every minute to nothing, and my followers dropping every couple mins to dead stand still. Then I replied to a post and BAM, Your Account has been suspended!
Is it SAFE in here? *looks around*
Do we have Freedom of Speech?
Communist China has taken over Twitter!
I'm still there - with a handful of Patriots
I don't know how long we'll hold out for
The Gestapo is EVERYWHERE
Saying that my friends are filled with HATE?!?!
BUT We are filled with LOVE.
And it's only a matter of time when there will be a knock on my account.
This is Laura9
Over and Out
*knock *knock
Oh, no. I don't know how it happened
But they found me!
*tone ........................................