Defending against tyranny requires the people know they have tools to do so.
Jury nullification is one of those tools. In many places, the corrupt courts are not required to inform juries about this tool.
For instance, juries should use jury nullification to refuse to find anybody guilty of violating laws such as these:
1) Gun control laws which violate the US Constitution
2) Institutionalized racism laws and rules which require discrimination against people based upon race, gender, and sexual orientation ostensibly for "racial justice" reasons
3) Mask mandates and any other medical rules and laws that violate basic personal rights, especially when there is so much scientific evidence they are inadvisable and there are better alternatives
How The Election Was Lost
An insider's in-depth view on what happened with the Trump legal team and the investigations into the election results (Spoiler Alert - Incompetence was a significant part of it):