Just arrived and happy to have escaped the claws of Mugbook & Twitter for a moment. I'm a senior citizen from Ireland where everyone seems to be doped to the gills right now. I need time to learn to navigate here - so typical of me to sign up when I should be sleeping. God bless the creators and admins here .
I know the biggest thing keep rightwingers in every western country from standing up the way they absolutely need to if we are to survive is the fear of being labeled a nazi, racist, some kind of phobe, being doxxed or losing their job. But i know this for certain, we must get beyond that fear. It's apathy, individualist and reliance upon our "creature comforts" that have turned us into people too afraid to sacrifice for the greater good. Our ancestors went through hell, literal hell for us to have this great nation. And we are letting it die a clown world death, miserable and undefended because we don't wanna be called a racist or are too afraid to take a hit and possibly lose our jobs. We MUST get over that. SCREW your creature comforts. The iphones, ipads, laptops, suv's, raybans, etc. As for feeding your family and providing shelter ? People have done that for thousands of years. You need to learn survival skills that require effort beyond going to mcdonalds. We will have to sacrifce if we are to regain normalcy for our country. Be strong western men and women. Your descendants WILL judge you harshly if we fail.