Dear Decisive Liberty (real name, as your welcoming and heartfelt Christmas message on WeGo indicates, Garrett O’Brien of Brazi). We have set up this tribute page to you because we are your true believers. But we are troubled by this post of yours on WeGo. Could you explain why the Proud Boys are trustworthy (we think you spelled it wrong, sorry). We understand they are racists and that their leader is a former FBI informant. Please tell us, so we don’t lose faith in you.
Again, thank you Decisive Liberty for your Christian advice today on how to deal with anger. We advise our readers to visit Decisive Liberty for this excellent discussion. We are curious, Garrett, to know how you personally handle anger management. For example, would you ever post anything like this again, or have these teachings shown you a better path?
We are shocked that anyone would think that repetition of some of the more notable posts by Decisive Liberty here and on other social networks, and a frank discussion of those posts, might be seen in a negative light. Consequently, we have rebranded ourselves as the “Decisive Liberty Tribute Page”. Most of what you see here going forward will be reposts of messages from our favorite “Decisive Liberty”. There are many people calling themselves Decisive Liberty on the internet. We will focus on the one who has identified himself on Wego (and on other social networks in which he no longer participates) as Garrett O’Brien of Brazil (see the bottom of the attached photo). We hope this helps spread Garrett’s message.
Today’s laugh, from Decisive Liberty, a person who spends his entire day harassing people and organizations, and who has attempted to doxx people on Wego by publishing what he believes are their names. He has had Facebook and Twitter accounts banned for harassment and his first Linktree account closed because he tried to use it as a doxxing tool. And what’s with the Brazil references? Oh, we forgot. Garrett claims to live in the U.S. but actually lives in Brazil.
Garrett, no doubt, is an expert on “pain received in the end”. Why does this remind us of those hamster stories?