URGENT: 95 million ballots and ballot applications to be mailed to "voters" who didn't ask them and may have moved away or died -- this could set up a perfect storm of fraud, chaos, and MILLIONS of lost votes! @JudicialWatch in court now trying to at least clean up the rolls! https://t.co/AqoH7OHO9j
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) August 20, 2020
We will blink and before we know it we will be in heaven for eternity. God wants us to keep our eye on the prize and realize that any temporary frustration or discouragement in this world will be meaningless one day when we are in perfect order and peace in heaven! When you are in heaven and everything is in perfect order and peace TODAY will seem like a distant memory
It is written in the books of destiny
Trust the plan
God wins
God always fills in when it looks impossible
God is the God of Impossible