apparently my dad was red-pilled before it was cool. he says Q is all conspiracy and that it's an agenda from the left to make Trump supporters look bad. ?
I'm comfortable at the 4D lens stage. Haven't done enough work to see through the 5D lens, yet.
I wish Trump would just publicize Q and confirm that it's real NOW. I'm losing relationships with family because they can't handle it and shut me down every time I want to talk about it.
ASK WHO Q IS!!!!!!
I was debating with my brother about Q. He asked, "if Q had all proofs and evidences on those evil people, why didn't Trump get them arrested immediately after he was elected? Why are they not arrested if Trump had all proofs?" How do I explain this?
I am the only one in my own family who knows about Q and have been trying to wake them up. I just need help how to explain this.
I'm currently using this as desktop. Does it have an app??