We live in a country now to where Mexico has now done more for illegal border crossing than Congress has in 50 years. @POTUS IS A FORCE IN DC AND THE WORLD. AS HE SHOULD BE. HES OUR PRESIDENT. ITS WHAT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE'S IS SUPPOSED TO BE. A DOMINANT LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. GOD BLESS HIM
I'm new to this app, but an old head all American Patriot. God, Country, Family. The son of a Vietnam Army Veteran. My family is my life and my drive. I'm a Conservative Nationalist. I voted for @POTUS45 once and damn sure will do again. We are in the midst of war in this country. Are enemy's are with in. There is a cleansing in our government that needs to done. Democrats are correct. We do have a constitutional crisis. It is there socialistic party. We are the people of the United States of America One Nation Under God!. We Control the destiny of our children's future. God bless all of you! #[10]#[18]#[3035]#[213]#[745]