Look what snuck up on you while you were sleeping. So if by 2030 80% of the boys will have autism and the millennial's are not reproducing like the boomers did, and the boomers are retired and dead, they will not have many slaves in the workforce slaving away to make their billions...oh wait, thats the plan. They made so much money they no longer need all us useless eaters...and yes I am a huge backer for non vaxxing! Polio alone was caused by glysophates in pesticides. Roosevelt got polio after he was in an apple orchard freshly sprayed...if you are a vaxxer fine, your child is safe then right? This is a free will planet and I don't appreciate others forcing their lies on me for their evil agenda. ANd besides its all about divide and conquer..if they can find another reason to separate us and keeps us hating each other the 1% still have control.
I have always loved this video...believe in God?
Happy Supper Moon and Spring Equinox . New beginnings as we have been seeing.
We are in the time of Ascension, disclosure and truth are all part of it. What an exciting time and yes we all chose to be here at this very moment...
"Our authentic self is a higher vibration template of who we truly are and offers intuitive guidance on how to increasingly become that. The spiritual path simplified is the spiritual distance traveled between who it seems we are and who we truly are. More people today are choosing who they truly are and realizing that the practice is well worth the spiritual, yet practical upgrade." Doc Childre HeartMath founder.
There is no being saved in this work. This work is about you taking the journey, doing your work, and joyously finding you had the power to save yourself all along. The best is yet to come and so on and so on