, justice will return to the clandestine services for the first time in 60 years. Every clown will fear the night [their] knock comes. AND IT WILL COME. #qanonfor those that don’t know@RepRatcliffe, he is one of the world’s most talented prosecutors. As our new@ODNIgov
8:36 PM · May 22, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Margo Tilton ~ Lots of folks joining WeGo of late — glad you are among them. My 2¢ as a member:
There is a lot to offer here. If you need any assistance just holler - - most everyone around these parts actually helps each other — imagine that! The site has only been around a little over a year and is all about free speech and giving one the ability to control their own content.
I recommend you go to the top of the page, click the Show Posts drop down arrow, and select “All" so you can see everyone's posts. In that way you can get a feel of folks you would like to follow and in time massage things from there.
Look through the “Suggested groups" at the right ... might be something there of interest/to your liking. Note the reload circle arrow there — it will open more groups. You might even want to create your own group to coincide with your interests — like having your own website without the need to create one or pay for it. Then you can invite your friends and have a blast.
“Drop.Space" (off to the left) is where you can post/save videos YOU control. You can post the link to those in the main area and they will automatically appear — just needs the URL. Of course you can post the URL anywhere on the net for people to come watch.
People you should know and why:
Kobayashi - The “boss” who saw the need and put this all together
wg1wgaadmin - Administrative help you may need
#sitebugs - Reporting any technical issues of the site itself
Hope this helps in some small way…..
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