3 Monate - übersetzen - Youtube


-kIrmuAM Nootropics


3 Monate

Here is a simple web app I wrote to help people study for HAM technician test. It is what I call a Socratic book. A Socratic book take a normal subject book, breaks it into summary and then pairs questions to that. When a question is unknown and answered incorrectly, the corect answer is immediately explained.

Regardless of your opinion of the FCC, the information contained in this app is a strong skill to acquire in and of itself.

The App link is below in the first comment

  • Über Uns
  • A place to contribute ideas about social engineering, governance, trust systems, communication, game theory and anything else that assists the development of actual methods, software or systems that solve outstanding problems related to self organizing people.

    This group is for people who want to build solutions, and have knowledge and skills that have value for that. It isn't for everyone. Memes, snark, trolling, religiously held beliefs that aren't generative.
    ..A warm introvert's welcome!