Thank God that Dr Teo is speaking out. Darkness to Light. I feel this may be part of the Plan. See how bad the Sydney Children's hospital is to him. Shame on them. Vincent Kennedy Kobayashi #[58] #[9]
These are the words Creepy Uncle Joe said to this little girl &feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2aBuUr_eWRZjxElRm-EZhLEjg7AilanlE6uBz1kGa5Xdr6I096fzK6eAU
These are the words Creepy Uncle Joe said to this little girl &feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2aBuUr_eWRZjxElRm-EZhLEjg7AilanlE6uBz1kGa5Xdr6I096fzK6eAU