My husband was killed by a drunk driver on his way home from work in 2007. This left me to raise my two girls at 4 and 7 alone. When they looked up at me and asked me what we would do now, I told them that Mommy would always make sure they were ok. I have lived every moment since sober, positive, responsible, and ever protective of them. I’ve done everything I know to do to keep them safe and provide a good clean life for them. As I watch the riots and attacks on innocents, I think about their safety again. I assure you, if someone attacked us in our car or in our home, I will shoot them without hesitation. It is my right as an American to protect myself and my own. I have not come this far to let a criminal take anything more from me or them. I always think ahead. I have arms and I learned how to used them. People may look at me as a white female in a nice car and home and think I am privileged, but they don’t know my story. We have what we have and live the way we live because of my choices. One at a time and step by step through years of pain with a smile on my face. Strength is something I’ve built. Never underestimate the power of prayer, but also never underestimate the strength of a momma who promised to make everything ok.
Here ya go. Problem solved.
Drive through voting
Use school and church parking lots.
Drive in entrance.
They check you off the list and give you a ballot.
You park and fill out ballot.
Turn hazard lights on when done.
Worker wheels cart with ballot box over.
Drop ballot in.
Keep the pen.
Your welcome.
People should have asked me sooner.
I just opened a bottle of iced tea and took a tiny drink. It didn’t make that cracking sound when you break the seal. Now I’m all freaked out about tainted iced tea. Pray for me. Lol
Just wondering if I'm to stay at the job I'm at or is there a better one coming my way?