I really should be heading out the door. Hubby already left and I will be a bit behind him, because THIS has to be posted. NASHVILLE!
All those Whos down in WhoVILLE. All the Noise Noise Noise. Plus I know I either posted or saw ASH in the Gematria not long ago. Last night I posted this in my last post at 51:39:
I missed an I. Why is the 'i' missing? Should have been this...
SIIAIIT=227 456 76
Q Post 71:
You can read the whole Q here but 'State Secrets' is there and 'Flying objects' also.
The Night of the Hunter and Lolita...the Lolita Express???
This is getting ridiculous now.
In my post at 4:30:20:
Must Act Now=1514
Criminal Activity=1514
Plus read the POTUS tweet I was going over on this one and the Q's there.
Twitter is going wild with their flags, trying hard to suppress even the truth. Just shows how dangerous they are, purposely stifling free speech. Very dangerous for our Country. Does Congress know that this is how Communism starts? Cancel Culture at its worst. End Section 230!
(230...302 in my timestamp there, 40 on the outside.)
From the Q's there:
This is NOT A GAME.
Start the Clock.
Blackwater on GUARD.
Evidence KILLS.
Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]
Who countered?
In my post at 42:14:
POTUS' last line in that tweet I was going over:
It's what we say about 9/11.
Build Back Better=810
Must Act Now=894 <---This one a second time!!!
Nine Eleven=630 <---Time the bomb went off was 6:30 am. The news keeps saying this.
I'm not sure. Don't feel like I'm getting the right ones right now. Maybe it's because I stepped away and feel out of the loop now and it's so late and I know I'm not going to get done what I all wanted to tonight. Plus, just feeling really somber right now. Lara Logan sure, put me in that frame of mind, but it's something else too. Not sure, can't put my finger on it exactly.
So Nashville...Whoville, I searched Nashwho and found this. Get ready to be blown away. Ooops, words, not thinking, need to watch my words but already typed it.
This one isn't it that came up but still interesting:
AUSTRALIAN Peter Nash is a free man after a New York judge sentenced him to time already served for his work with internet drug bazaar Silk Road.
Silk Road and I think China.
This one:
Nash Motors was founded in 1916 by former General Motors president Charles W. Nash who acquired the Thomas B. Jeffery Company. Jeffery's best-known automobile was the Rambler whose mass production from a plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin began in 1902. The 1917 Nash Model 671 was the first vehicle produced to bear the name of the new company's founder.
So I looked up Q Post 671:
Definitely not the Candy Crush phone.
I first think downtown center of Nashville, but then I look right at Q Post 670. Plus 670-6:30 the time the bomb went off is 40:
(230...302 in my timestamp there, 40 on the outside.)
Q Post 670:
Can you read the message?
Black Caucus phone.
Not sure if civilian tech can capture @ that distance.
These people are LITERALLY MORONS.
Also in my 42:14 post:
State Of The Union Address=1078 (Still have POTUS' last one on my TIVO and a couple of nights ago was watching it again while I went to sleep. It's like a lullaby for me. Ok I'm weird, I'll admit it.)
Then I did this:
Nashville Tennessee=1248 <---What got blown away and blows my mind that I saw this here.
The Big Bang Never Happened=1248 (Could it have been way worse?)
March Twenty Two=1248 (322 Skull & Bones)
Similar To Deep Impact=1248
Violent Man=995
Magnetic Quality=995
Plus was listening to Fox and John Rich was on there, winner of an Apprentice show, backs Trump...he mentioned that all over social media people are saying gunshots were heard and now Buck McCoy is saying the same thing. When John Rich said it this morning the interviewer cut him off and said not true. They are not cutting off Buck now talking about it. Plus this picture they had on there when John Rich was talking...DEMONbreun St? Demons are a brewing!