There is no toolbox big enough for this tool......................
Well going to go backwards over POTUS' tweets now from the most recent one that I just did. POTUS tweet at 12:34:35:
.@OANN WOW, total election corruption in Arizona. Hearing on now! Why isn’t @FoxNews covering the Arizona hearings?
That last post I did was a pretty big WOW with all of the HELL in it. Just type what I decode here and a lot of HELL was there.
Q Post 1234:
THANKQ - we are an existential threat to the establishment.
Ok, I'm making a connection here but also feel like I'm really stretching that noodle again. Shall I throw it and see if it sticks? In the next post over, that ONE OFF thing I see this:
Was thinking this before I even looked at Q post 1234. It's a count and 5 is in POTUS' tweet also. It ends with 35 and in my 2:42:56 <--- 5+6=11 post I was going over POTUS' tweet at 200:35 <--- Same second marker.
Thing is also in my 2:17:41 post I was going over this tweet too and this is there:
Well Panic in DC is in SEVEN Q posts right here. The one above and starting with 2154 along with these lines in these other 6:
And this is there:
Goes well with this picture. This picture was 2163 <---63 JFK and the second marker in POTUS' tweet, 35 <---JFK. About time to flip things around for him too.
Then at 3:33:57 this is in that post:
Well we're on PANIC IN DC again. They maybe should get some anxiety medication...IN JAIL. Again more than one here, 6 total this time. Plus I saw this last post when I was doing the Gematria and I hesitated on it. Fits here now.
Rule Of Six=760
POTUS' count in his timestamp here, 12345 and a 3, 3 6's is the devil. The Rule Of Six, 666, is if you go with him you go to HELL. PANIC IN DC!!!
The rest of Q post 1233:
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed. <---They Deserve Hell!
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?
With this picture.
The other direction in Q Post 1235:
Good article.
Don’t forget about Huma.
VJ. <---Didn't forget about her, been on her for 2 days now. FORBIDDEN!
America for sale.
No name.
Inside out destruction.
HUMA & Hussein.
Who paid?
SA [vital].
So like last night when I was going over all of the PANIC IN DC Q posts, I think we need to go one more over to the SIX one.
Q Post 1236:
OHHHHH!! This is one of the reasons why POTUS keeps bringing up witch hunt!
Link to 16 page letter by Bachman regarding the infiltration of MB in US GOV
16 another SIX there. Plus MB as in Michele Bachmann is from MN, my home state. She spells her first name with one L and her last with 2 N's, Anon. Spelling matters especially if you're leaving CLUES. 12345 H's. Hell begins with an H. So does Huma, Hussein, Hillary, Hunter and Harris. There you go 5 of them. Did I miss the sixth one?
So the back half of POTUS' timestamp.
Q Post 3435:
[Smollett] Federal charges coming? <---Harris connected here.
Watch the news.
These people are stupid.
Already thought of her POTUS, but feel like I'm missing a 6th one. Hitler is already there, but Angela Hitler is not.
So my post at 2:17:41 <---Oh george Hw bush is already there too.
And my post at 3:33:57 <---333 the witching hour. Both of these had the 6's there. POTUS at 12:34:35.
Already post Q 333 today connecting it to POTUS
Q post 217 this is there:
One more key word, please. Please.
Clowns In America.
God will be damning some, through the keyHOLE or however he does it.
So POTUS was 10:16:54 and 90:38 after me.
Q 1016 this is there: Hussein timeline.
Q Post 1654:
You delete what you no longer need.
You save what you do need.
Q Post 900:
Look at his family.
Look at their positions.
Why are we giving him this much attention?
Why are we providing this much sensitive detail in a public [known] forum?
Everything has meaning.
(And this picture is right there in Q901.)
Q Post 938:
N does not refer to Nazi.
The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.
Events will clarify.
Think subgroup.
(Nairobi...OB 'i' RAIN...OR reign phonetics...i=9=God.)
Looks Like JBER upgraded to F-22's!! Ustabe - back'n - th'day When it was Elmendorf AFB the 43rd Fighter Squadron had a fleet of F-15's; had a room mate who was a crew chief and had his own jet; I got an inside look up close and personal. Set in the cockpit, visually inspected the vertical stabilizers, landing gear, its guns, its rocket and drop connections!! Awesome bird of prey. Would love to see one of these beauties like that, or get to fly in one...!! Dreaming!!
The events of last night:
So as the day turned into evening I was sliding again into not being too positive. Started going backwards over the POTUS tweets I missed. Hit his tweet at 10:419 in the morning yesterday.
Posted the flaming punisher picture that is Q 4109. Then posted that post at 00:39:25. Went back to the Q site hit refresh and noticed POTUS tweeted 2 more times. Something made me count his tweets for the day. Those 2 made it 23. 23 means Pain. The Punisher means Pain. POTUS' 23rd tweet was at 00:41:14. This was 1:49 after me. 4109...149 same #'s!
Went to Q 1:49 and realized the American flag picture that is there, that I had posted that earlier in the day. 330 before this 23rd POTUS tweet.
All that is in Q 303 is Renee J James. So I researched her. One of the most powerful women out there born in 1964, so was young when she began gathering her power. Sits on the board of many well known companies. Was appointed by Obama. On her wiki page, if this is updated, said she advises the President. So updated? So POTUS or was that for Obama? Is she still there 'advising'. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer? Or hard to fire certain people in government?
She sits on the board of the Carlyle Group among many others still. I knew this group and never heard anything good about them. So I looked at them. Found Al-Waleed funded them early on. They are known for acquiring businesses in the defense industry. So SA involved in funding an American company like this? He also funded Obama's education. He is also somehow involved in the Las Vegas shooting. With Bill Gates he owned the top floors of the Mandalay Bay. James Baker, in the Q posts 12 times along with George H W Bush both advised the Carlyle Group. James Baker testifying behind closed doors? Also a connection this company has to 9/11 just by making money on war for one. All in my post last night. Posted that at 2:50:11. After that research I went to bed.
So today I see that POTUS tweeted 2 more times after that last night. At 00:52:43 POTUS retweeted this:
Breaking: In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results | Just The News
Dramatic reversal?
In my 00:39:25 post was this:
Change Vibrational Frequecies=1614 (Instantly with this tweet. You're missing the N there POTUS. [N]eeded this tweet.)
Doing that post, that tweet, made me dramatically change my mood. Parallels!
At 125 POTUS retweeted this:
"more than 15,000 votes were cast in Nevada by people who also voted in another state, 1,000 from people who don't meet Nevada's residency requirements and 500 from people who were dead."
Is what I posted 'evidence', circumstantial for sure of their crimes, motivations? Plus Las Vegas is in Nevada!!! Is it also 'evidence' of connections I have with POTUS?
So I look at what post did I do close to this tweet. It was the one where I discovered the link to the punisher picture that started out going over his early morning tweet that I posted at 1:26:29. Most times takes me more than an hour to do a post, so was typing it while POTUS tweeted. I was 24:24 after POTUS.
Q Post 2424:
ya'll are just begging for disclosure at this point. huge obvious AIR Q…. are you kidding me. let's do this Q
POTUS 'really' made that one obvious didn't he?
It was the 'end' that sealed it.
The last thing in my post was this:
The Man With The Golden Gun=1518 (Oh, not a fiddle but a gun and no need to win it from the already have it! A metaphor for the election.)
The end of the post before that one at 00:39:25. Think 9/11. Think the Carlyle Group. Think Renee J James.
Dishonorable Warfare Tactics=1614 (They use, but you'll get em POTUS. You are the genius playing at what level dimensional chess are you playing at now?)
00:39:25 to 0125 is 22:35. JFK 35 shot on the 22nd.
Q Post 2235:
Q our son shipping USMC Recruit Training SD soon. Proud for him to serve!
We thank him for his service to this country.
May GOD watch over him always.
God bless, Patriot.
With this picture.