So as more and more information is released on voter fraud, the so called pandemic and a New World Order, I have taken it upon myself to educate myself as much as possible on each of these categories. I lean to the side of covid was a weapon and a test to see how we would react to it and their enforcement of it. It is also the cue that the New World Order is using to try and take control of the entire world. For those that do not think this organization exists, Duck Duck Go it and read the unlimited amount of articles and blogs and see where you stand then. Also the people who are reportedly involved will most likely blow your mind. Now let me say this. I am no expert by no means, but I pride myself on my common sense and my ability to put 2 and 2 together. With that said, I believe it is very real organization and it is on verge of succeeding in its total world dominance. The rampant voter fraud is just the beginning of this launch of total control. An I personally believe that Americans need to realize that this isn't just about our country anymore. it's much much bigger than that.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy Says Nancy Pelosi is 10 Democratic Votes from Losing House Speakership by daniel_g
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From way back when.... Happy Veterans Day my brothers and sisters!!!