Dear Corporation of The US:
The Federal Reserve - a privately owned banking cartel designed to keep people in debt slavery.
The Internal revenue Service - a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, illegally imposing and forcing the wage earning People of The United States to pay income tax (direct tax on the people and a violation of the Constitution).
The thousands of pages of laws that were enacted to remove freedoms and control the people while congress and their corporation masters break every single law they wrote.
The lies, crimes, and greed performed daily by the Corporation.
Putting Fluoride in the water (and brainwashing the people to think it's actually healthy for you).
The use of Maritime Admiralty Law in our court system (it should be Common Law. Maritime law's jurisdiction stops at the high water mark at high tide).
The government's control and engineering of our public education system designed to indoctrinate, lie and brainwash our nation's young people to turn them into complicit, obedient workers.
The continual removal of our freedoms and liberties under the guise that it's for our safety....and reinforcing this through false-flag events.
The endless killing of life in all forms around the world for money, control and power...and lying to the people as to the reasons for committing murder.
The intentional soft kill being performed through the poisoning of the air we breathe, food we eat and water we drink.
The blatant and intentional propaganda being used against We The People to create bias, division and fear in us.
The act of jailing and murdering persons of this country just for exercising their natural rights the Constitution protects.
The (attempt to) replacement of our Free Republic with a totalitarian oligarchy dictatorship run by a very small group of humans...and their puppet.
The absolute violation of our natural rights and protections by the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights that prevents 3-letter agencies like NSA from intentionally spying on the people.
The hunt, capture, jailing and murder of whistle blowers that expose the unimaginable acts the US corporation committed.
The complete disregard of the Constitution and Bill of Rights that protects us from you.
The People