How do you feel about being told where you can go; who you can see; and what you can do?
This country has a proud history of fighting for freedom.
Yet the Government has used lockdown to strip away our liberties.
Every aspect of our lives is now controlled by draconian rules and regulations.
We are told how many friends we can have; whose houses we can visit; where we can travel – even what to think.
Our children cannot return to school. Businesses remain shut. For months, churches, mosques and temples were simply locked up. Collective acts of worship remain banned.
We cannot go to pubs, restaurants, gyms, cinemas, theatres, or beauty salons.
We cannot take a foreign holiday, unless we want to spend two weeks in quarantine when we get back.
These measures are devastating the economy.
They will ruin lives for generations. Millions of people have already been put out of work.
Left to their own devices politicians will seek to control us.
Keep Britain Free is a new movement representing the millions of people who want to think for themselves and take responsibility for their own lives.
We are not a political party. We are a group of independent thinkers who seek to influence politicians come polling day.
We stand for Freedom: of speech, choice and thought. We champion life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
A government exists to protect its citizens. We need to get back to this simple premise and judge them on this.
By co-ordinating our efforts we can ensure that our voice is heard at the heart of government and bring about real change.