We have a symbiotic relationship with nature, we are nature. We are DNA, all the animals and life is DNA.. the DNA senses things, all things of nature; it is nature. You have picked up on the a portion of the vast scope/range of how subtle and invisible much of this is. Thoughts are like legs or arms, they are our invisible limb,. In the scope of causality they are the smallest magnitude of 'the force of change.' Wishes, thoughts, prayers... are all this limb. The trinity of change is thoughts<words<actions. If you think at someone to move; there is 'the smallest' chance they move. If you ask someone to move; the chances become much more likely. If you push someone out of the way; they will have to use equal force to un-push themselves to stop the change. This invisible limb is responsible for organizing our individual DNA. we basically 'form' in the shape we believe we are supposed to. Belief is the key here. Like a wet dream. Your mind pulls the biological trigger, for every single aspect of your system. The wet dream is merely the hint of it. #[6241]
As you read,' Remember just how Valued and Loved you are and then just Allow yourself to have a Delightful time.
Simply Choose!
Paul tells us that joy is one-third of the Kingdom of God. You have access to a supernatural joy in the Holy Spirit right within your own spirit that is ready for you to tap into anytime you choose. In fact, your spirit is rejoicing even when your soul is filled with negative emotions. We all go through times when we don't feel like worshiping God in our souls. When we go through those times, the best thing to do is to make the deliberate choice to worship God, make the choice to be joyful even though we don't feel like it. Bring your soul into line with your spirit. Choose to rejoice and be joyful even when you don't feel like it. That isn't being untruthful or even a "fake it until you make it" recommendation. Instead, when you choose to rejoice even when your emotions don't feel joyful you acknowledge the truth of the joy in your spirit and allow that truth to override the fact of the depression in your soul. Joy is already in you because you are a citizen of God's Kingdom and filled with the Holy Spirit. Make joy your choice today!
And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord;
It shall rejoice in His salvation. — Psalms 35:9 (NKJV)
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