I remember when Kapernick's supporters were pushing that he's not protesting the flag argument in his defense. I guess that was way of the mark. And he is in fact, against the the American Flag and all it stands for. And yet he's still enjoying American freedom. #[15029] #[2822]
Hey don't forget the Obama Administration used the Intelligence community to SPY on the political opposition. #[2353] #[3708] #[6267]
This 14-year-old girl had this video banned on YouTube after BuzzFeed did a hit piece on here. She is the voice of the future. The Dennis Miller of Gen Z. Smart and funny kid.
This is the President of the United States telling the national press corps that there was an attempted coup to take the the sitting president. #[552] RETWEET THIS UNTIL THEY #[2882] #[10]