R: "A year ago I thought we were about to see the first med med (plasma), yet here we are. Can’t stand to even read the news now. Everything sucks and keeps getting worse"
Thank you very much for this remark.
I don't know how much time it will take. It is almost a philosophical issue, we are speaking of a 'plan' designed by people who know a lot more than us. Why do people keep making mistakes? This is what I tried to understand. Under "COVID" circumstances, it suddenly becomes easy to understand how things are going, how the hospitals keep killing. Everyone who goes to the hospital is either stuck or panicking. Instead, people should rather 'level up', man up and take a stand. It's tough when you feel helpless. However, if you know nothing, and have nobody to help you, you should not even take the slightest 'medical boost' you are given. Give your body a chance to heal by itself, rather than use what you do not know!
It is tough to understand that the lack of knowledge is always a guilt, even for the smartest man on earth. If he lacks something, his own fault! But this 'guilt' may be attenuated by REFUSING what you DON'T KNOW. Easy passes and bypasses are the way people get doomed. When I help someone with his health, I try to have him understand. Things are logical and may be explained in a very simple manner (as I partially did in a previous post). Doctors are guilty of talking of chemistry, of complex physico-chemical mechanisms they don't themselves understand. On top of that, these so-called 'laws of science' are mostly based on models that are a fraud. These doctors cannot know it, because they never really took the time to study what they are really doing. No excuses: chemistry also has a simple, experimental part ; and that's its most solid part. However, the doctors, on the other hand, they are charlatans. They have never ever conducted a simple test or experiment from the beginning to the end of it.
But you cannot downplay the fact, it is somehow comfortable to believe a charlatan when he says what you want him to hear. However, why the heck do people follow a charlatan, when he says COVID is a dangerous virus and you are doomed if you tested positive for COVID? There is the so-called 'cognitive dissonance' at play, I believe: refusal to challenge your old thoughts beyond that 'acceptable' extent and thus acceptance of being a "contradictory man". These inner contradictions, however, may be deadly.
There is a spiritual and moral, hence logical pattern that underlines people's attitude towards this grim fraud that is 'medical science', materialized by hospitals.
Thus, I find it highly possible that the common dementia (lack of logics) is actually being increased by food/air/water poisoning, modulated EMF and possibly the vaccine (shot after shot). It is certain that wearing a mask on your mouth and your nose for several hours per day also helps you being poisoned and helps you decline. The lack of mental efforts also helps towards one's decline.
I have taken care of my 'alzheimer'-diagnosed grandma for several years. I noticed a pattern, which could be reproduced and applied to anyone, even to people who do not have 'alzheimer'. At first, as she was becoming dement, she had hallucinations. The phenomenon was greatly increased by the lack of vision and audition. It started with several food disequilibrium (very common ones nowadays) and medications given to her. Retrospectively, I think the water she/we drank was/may still be slightly poisoned (I stopped drinking tap water from our home long ago). I started speaking to her in a way that I would be certain the dement grandma would understand. Guess what? Faced with this 'wall' she could not climb, she preferred to keep on stomping her head on the wall and then being helped like a kid, although she despised people treating her like a kid - by the way you should not treat a kid like that, but that's another issue. And you know why? because she liked her world of hallucinations and she liked pretending reality would be somehow more like what she was seeing. She liked that idea. She told it to me several times, very explicitly, because I had the patience, the persistance and the logical abilities to corner her, even though she was 'dement'. Dement people even overplay their dementia, when they will they can get an advantage from it.
Read full text in comments (1/3)
Q: Thanks for these interesting thoughts. I will just have something to add, a question for you. There is no doubt that what we see is a big and ridiculous circus. Real things are happening behind the scene, and it is quite complex to fully understand the whole of it. But there is one point I cannot understand when we adopt the "Trump in charge" analysis. What is the point of letting the covid narrative goes on? Why starting to give the "vaccines" to innocent kids? Maybe the "vaccines" are not what we think and they're safe (at least for the kids), but even in that way, what will we do of the parents who forced / let their kids getting vaccinated in the new world? What is the point of letting some governments set mandatory vaccination? In my point of view, I can understand that people need to realize the ugliness of our would before to change it. But after all of this covid story, I'm not sure there will remain many things except ruins.
(I allow myself to copy it; so I don't have to write my own introduction)
A: Thank you for this interesting question. I have asked myself the same things several times. However, at first we must state that we do not know what's going on behind the scenes, what's really at stake. For example, the numbers about 'Child Sex Trafficking' cannot only be explained by Hollywood's, Politicians's and Bankers' appetite alone. This degree of widespread degeneracy could even be recent. I'm trying to figure out what's really behind this, but for now, I haven't. I might have some ideas, but they shall remain speculative, because no one shared that secret with me ; and I cannot find any conclusive proof of anything. It might have something to do with science. It might have something to do making the whole World this degenerate. I do not know, even tho if it sometimes reminds me of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, in many ways.
Child Sex Trafficking ways, even homosexuality or any perversion, all come with childhood 'initiation'. I believe there are no exceptions ; this degree of widespread men, seeking to dominate other men with homosexual desire ; even if it does not physically apply ; at least for now… I can see it. It's what you find in what I call 'devastation armies', unleashed to destroy a country's people and History. I have also spent time to observe animals' behavior when they're encaged and suffer farming degeneracy, through food and selective breeding. I believe Trump and 'the people behind him' know a big deal about psychology. Domination through sexual pulsions becomes a big factor in a degenerate world, but it also cannot, alone, explain the actual situation.
I also see a 'New Age' factor, with very dangerous people, mostly 'UFO specialists', gurus, speculative spiritual theories' addicts. Some of them were ready weeks or days before the 2020 'pandemics', with brand new YouTube channels and a sudden 'virginity'. This can only have been organised above them. Many sects also have a 'New Age' aspiration, and have worked in synergy with the roots of the 'Child Sex Trafficking' system, sometimes by providing victims. I've seen direct proofs of that.
The scientific factor puzzles me also. For example, I am actually able to produce electricity in ways I thought were not possible ; and much more than what I expected. I have also come up with experiences and reasonings that tell me that the real nature of what we call 'light' is much different of what is told. In fact, most of the 'classical physics' laws are 'dead ends', designed to give you some clue at first, but get you stuck the next day and for the rest of your life. Ideas like 'time', which is only a consequence of a state-changing universe, that you can only measure through comparison of parallel ongoing changes, suddenly becomes an absolute value, totally mystified, through notions like 'Delta-T', 'inversion of time' and the removal of the lunar calendar, which is the only reliable one, in a Earth perspective. Some revelations are coming for people who can reach that level, I believe ; but they'll have to reach out to that level by themselves. History might be a mess also, possibly way beyond what people have yet imagined…
End in the 'comments' section.
pastebin.com / 62gB5fx5
My brief and summarized take on 'demon-cracy' itself in a 'FIX or BUST' - Lin Wood 'classical fashion' post!
There are questions people should ask themselves. Simple, obvious truth often avoids endless, meaningless speculations.
Why do you mislead your viewers, Lin? We cannot fix corruption. Corruption is allowed by 'We the People', the same people who blame it on Trump for their own decisions, the same people who would be crying to mom if Trump had not showed up, the same people that would have willingly taken the jab, had Trump not done what he's accomplished since 2012, and before. People who still vote in a totally rigged election game are the living proof why they are definitely not capable of making a grown up, well thought decision, or of ever participating in a decision process.…Democracy has to be a really Evil idea ; and you know it. Allow me say it for you! 🗝
2. (Answer - this answer is obviously not from Lin Wood)
Are you playing devil’s advocate? I have a hard time believing that you believe any of what you just wrote. “Democracy has to be an evil idea”. I’m sorry, what?? Trump wasn’t in office in 2012, so I don’t know what you’re on. Must be good stuff. Also, how do you not vote??
3. (conclusive questions)
1. Do you really think Trump - as if he'd be 'alone'! - won in a rigged game without seizing control of that game before it even happened? Hint: look at Trump's 2012 tweets and speeches.
2. Trump having control of that game, do you really think he did not schedule his own defeat, himself? Why, in your mind, did he do that?
3. I do not vote for many reasons, but are you telling me right there, that you do accept to play in rigged games?
4. People choosing to play in rigged games are demonstrating they are unable to think properly and freely, and that they should not take part to decision processes ; hence they should not be allowed to vote. How do you un-allow people to vote? You abolish Democracy.
5. You cannot serve two masters ; you cannot obey 'God's will' and "the will of the people" at the same time. In other words, the voice of the many is not always the voice of TRUTH. How do you correct that? It's a long question to answer, but Democracy is definitely the worst possible way to address that question.🗝🗝
Remember what we told you, a few weeks ago? Turned out to be true. No Maricopa Miracle, whether by destruction of proof, lack of chain of custody, or media denial, or all at once.
Circus all along. L. Lin Wood doesn't get the spot, Donald J. Trump endorses election fraud denier and congratulates him on his victory, saying he won the Presidential Election TWICE. Other stuff going on as well, all around the World, in a big circus, with absolutely nothing REAL at stake.
It has been this way since generations, literally, but now it becomes so obvious, so ridiculous. Some are not set to wake up, and those who come back surfing on the Maricopa trend are set to disappear again, just as they did after January 20th. Maybe we'll need a couple more of those! No one will be able to surf on the wave of changes, for it is profound and set to remain partly hidden. Absolutely no one will get easy credits and benefits from surfing on the wave for all to see, not a CM, not a NA, and not me.
Politics has always been an election of the few or for the few. Right now, it's about doing the right things at an individual level, and never lose the train as it marches on, for "many are called and few will be chosen".
Just as my posts. For the s - elect few.
Stay tuned.
Who thinks the forensic audit in Maricopa County will bring something big? It might, but I doubt it.
Forensic is a big word, when there hasn't been any chain of custody since months. Right at the beginning, the MAGA supporters were screaming "hand recount", and what did it bring? And as it was pitifully failing, they started begging for a "forensic audit". Look at the images. Who does the so-called "forensic audit"? Look at them ; it's on their face. No prejudice!
It's an allegory, tho.
Yet, the way Donald J. Trump emphasizes on the forensic audit is highly suspect. He's fooling around once again.
I was certain of it before it started. Now it's obvious.
Yet, there is room for citizens to act and take their country back, but behind the SCENES, it takes more than that. A lot more. The country and the World are being taken back, but not this way ; I really doubt it.
When I see the pictures, I see a "blond breaded" gang destroying proofs while saying repeatedly "I didn't do nothing". If it's UV, it may even destroy DNA "proofs" against those who manipulated the ballots, and molecular markers ; but it's not the point ; maybe they even get paranoid because they don't see the famous special "watermark" ; try to destroy it anyways. You have to think about the significance of a "proof", when you watch Mike Lindell, with his "absolute proof", while he only shows experts speaking and lists of numbers and IP's. Who may prove they are authentic? What it requires is something more: it's faith. If the people are good, if the people act good, if the people speak truth, display intelligence, then you should tend to believe them, and keep challenging them respectfully ; keep thinking. Hence whoever believed the dems and voted for Biden, they will never listen to the person being honest and making sense. That's a big point ; that's why the so-called "plan" goes way beyond "showing" and "proving". It's never enough ; it's not the right way to go ; but it's a good way to fool people, precisely because at some point, many and many people will tend to believe they've seen enough, especially with powerful advanced science, and their number will finally prevail. Everything that we see now is a calculated joke to teach many people a lesson, leaving the ones who cannot show faith - the true meaning of faith - in their guilty ignorance, they are many as well, probably many more. Will always be.
As things become clearer, people should take a step back and think about forensic examination of crimes, for example in the George Floyd case.
I have never believed in forensic science, because the chain of custody has never been secured and made transparent, and accessible to the public ; and because the people commenting and rendering their decisions were often highly suspect or dishonest, sometimes openly. The people who execute the science don't even understand it, quite often ; sometimes, it's even just pure speculation. A good basis in epistemology leads one to consider the poverty of modern science ; at least the one we get to see. For your eyes only! Doesn't matter whether you master it or have it completely wrong, as long as the one who has to believe gets to believe in it! Do you know how many trials around the World have been falsified with the absolute proof of forensic science? Many. Many. Many.
As things become clearer, you've to re-think about DJT's double-stance on vaccines and on free choice, both ways: if vaccine is vaccine, and if vaccine means truth&co! COVID, China Virus is lie, deception, corruption, vaccine is truth, justice. DJT makes it clear.
I believe Trump will remain the guy who speaks to everyone. "The choice will be yours, to know" what he really means. What about the vaccinated ones? There was frankly more to see and make a choice. What if it took years to develop, so it wouldn't be so obvious that it hadn't really been tested? It's so revealed that vaccine (and medical) science is like forensic science: no transparency, made obscure in many ways.
When science is impressive, stunning, people forget that there are humans operating it ; and the fewer they understand ; and the more this science becomes overwhelming, the more they are subject to being tricked.
I won't go into what is real and what is not, but I tell you that people are having big debates on things that are not even happening as they think. When you cannot make certain of the basis, how can you do anything but speculate?
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